
Angular Certifications

Angular Level 1 Certification Exam

You've been working with Angular for a while and want to take your career to the next level. Obtaining a qualification is a step towards your goal and career progression.

This entry level certification is aimed at junior developers who want to showcase their skills. This certification exam is to validate your skills as a new Angular Developer.

  • Level 1: Junior developer
  • Exam time: 25 minutes
  • Format: Online quiz
  • Attempts: 1 (no free retry)

Angular Level 2 Certification Exam

You've been working with Angular for a couple of years and want to showcase your skills. With this certification exam validate your experience as an Angular Developer.

Certified developers can use their exam results as a reference when applying for a developers position. Our exam is meant to recognise Angular developers and help them progress to the next step in their careers.

  • Level 2: Intermediate developer
  • Exam duration: 3 to 5 hours
  • Format: Online quiz, coding challenge and interview
  • Attempts: 1 (no free retry)

Angular Level 3 Certification Exam

You know Angular very well and have working with it for several years and want to showcase your expertise. With this certification exam validate your experience as an expert Angular Developer.

Certified developers can use their exam results as a reference when applying for a developers position. Our exam is meant to recognise Angular developers and help them progress to the next step in their careers.

  • Level 3: Expert developer
  • Exam duration: 3 to 5 hours
  • Format: Online quiz, coding challenge and interview
  • Attempts: 1 (no free retry)

Get your certificate!

  • Validate your skils as an Angular developer.
  • Your own personalised certificate that can be verified by employers using our online certification checker.
  • Use your exam result as a reference when applying for a developers position.